Tuesday, September 16, 2003

If you ask me

If you ask me what my initial impression of SC is,
what come to mind first are all the negative things and encounters! Don't get me wrong,
SC is a very pretty place;
it's just that it has been quite frustrating trying to get things done here.
Simple things like changing your driving license:
they finally approved all the paperwork after the fourth attempt!
ItÂ’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparing one Columbia to the other.
I began to wonder if I would ever like this place.
God in His gentle and unusual way got my attention.
I was on the road one morning
when a car pulled in front of me with this big advertisement printed across the rear:
I smiled sheepishly and that was the end of all the comparisons and complaints.
Exactly when I started liking this place I do not know.
It surely has to do with the blue skies above.
The abundance of towering loblolly pines makes South Carolina's skies exceptionally blue.
I know that at any given moment
I can look to the skies above and my day will get a little better.