Monday, November 28, 2005

it's snowing!

an African girl squealed delightfully
as thousands of delicate petals
fell from the sky
moments like these
are pictures of

Thursday, November 17, 2005

breakfast by the sea

That's where Jesus met Peter & the rest after his resurrection,
that being his third appearance to them.

It's a no brainer where to find Peter - in his state of mind with what he had gone through:
Jesus was captured,
he denied Jesus three times,
Jesus was crucified, then placed in a tomb;
and Jesus' resurrection and appeared in person...
it all seems too much for anyone to take it all at once or at lost of what to do.
So he went back to what's familiar, what he knew before.

Jesus sought Peter out,
fed him breakfast and then asked him what matters most to him,
"Do you love me?" Three times.
In doing so,
Jesus restored Peter with forgiveness and
help Peter to refocused on what's the mission
and reinstated Peter for ministry.

i had my own "breakfast by the sea" today.
when He looked into my eyes and help me see that at the core of my heart,
i want to go back where there are safe and familiar,
i have been away from home for too long, i do not wish to raise finance etc....

Lord,You know that i love you."
restore me
help me refocus
on what's on Your heart
and what's Your next step
for me

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

(taste) and see

i went to the advance screening of End Of The Spear this morning.
The film is based on the true story about five young men who were speared by Waodani Indians in 1956,
and told from the perspective of the one who lead the spearing raid.

Tears welled up in my eyes as soon as the movie began,
when the yellow plane sailed over the river in the heart of Amazon;
my tears flowed through out the movie.

This is a simple yet poignant story between father and son,

and more so the later with the killer,
when both came face to face in the climax of the movie,
and ultimately found the answer at the end of the spear.

a powerful movie not to be missed.

MPAA Rating:
PG-13 - for intense sequences of violence.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

i am so in love with....

je suis ainsi dans l'amour avec l'automne -
¡el otoño es mi estación preferida del año!

all the trees dressed up in their finest,
their colorful display is mesmerizing,
drawing me further and deeper into the woods....

ahhh, i'm hopelessly in love with Autumn!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

morning song

My heart sings in harmony
With the morning birds and the rustling leaves
The angel’s laughter
Echoing from the blue skies above
The morning sunlight peeks through the leaves
Scatter the golden fragment onto the path
And onto my hair

Its nine o'clock in the morning,
I walk on the familiar trail just like every morning and each step with the similar stride.
All these years I hold onto the fact that each day is a brand new gift from God.

Every morning as soon as I open my eyes,
I have to fight all the negative thoughts that come to mind and thank God for yet another beautiful day;
be it a window of sunshine or a curtain of rain; and these words carry me through the challenges I face each day.

Believe it or not, your first thought of the day does affect your daily life.
I stubbornly hold onto the fact that you will find *God’s mercy and His faithfulness in each new day.
Therefore, no matter what come my way, I can rejoice in Him, for His grace is sufficient for me.

* Lamentation3:17-23