Thursday, March 09, 2006

退一步 海濶天空

There was this Chinese saying: take a step backward, the sea is wide and the sky is vast.

I felt that I was backed up to a corner, so I told God,
" I can't step backward because I am in a corner."
He said, "Step forward then, I will lead you to an open spacious place."*

God never cease to amaze me with His interventions in my life.
During my quiet time, I knew right away what He wanted me to do;
i took a hard look into my heart and confessed my resentment, bitterness, unforgiving, fear of rejection to Him.
I thank God for His perfect timing and His dealing with me.
He is merciful and loving towards who he had made.

*Psalm 18:19:He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because he delighted in me.